PALS provides a hot lunch for each child daily. Mid-morning and afternoon snacks are also provided by the school. Menus generally will be posted monthly in each classroom; these are planned in accordance with the state health/nutrition requirements for school-age children and preschool children. All PALS meals are low in fat and sugar content, but high on taste and nutrition; we serve food parents approve of and children like to eat.
If your child has a food allergy, a form will need to be filled out and a copy posted in the kitchen. Parents of infants will supply formula and baby food for their children at feeding times. If your child has any special nutritional needs, please notify a staff member in writing and we will do our best to see that it is met. However, we will not be able to make exceptions due to food dislikes. Children under two will not be fed berries, candies, raisins, corn kernels, raw carrots, whole grapes, hot dogs, nuts, seeds, popcorn, raw peas, or peanut butter, per DCFS licensing standards.